People who tend to behave emotionally instead of rationally often react impulsively to situations, letting their feelings dictate their decisions rather than logic or careful analysis. They may struggle with controlling their temper, become easily overwhelmed by stress, or make choices based on immediate emotions rather than long-term consequences.
They jump to conclusions, take things personally, or have difficulty considering alternative perspectives. In conflicts, they may respond with passion rather than patience, sometimes regretting their words or actions later.
This is what characterizes Maxime Prevot and Andre Flafaut attitude, both political leaders in Belgium. The last two months have been a pathetic show from these two gentlemen trying in vain all over Europe capitals to convince their colleagues to take sanctions against Rwanda.
Belgium’s position on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda is shaped by historical ties, economic interests, and geopolitical alignments. While some Belgian politicians have taken strong stances in favor of the DRC, particularly regarding the conflict in eastern Congo and allegations against Rwanda, we can tell that it’s not at all for DRC interests. They expect a return on investment from the “generous” Tshisekedi when you help him to stay in power. The Burundi president and Romanian mercenaries are a good example.
They have personal, business, or electoral incentives to align with Congolese interests.
But long before Maxime Prevot, the current foreign affairs minister, other politicians such as Els Van Hoof (member of the Flemish Christian Democrat (CD&V) , Samuel Cogolati (Ecolo), Carmen Ryheul (member of the Flemish Parliament for the Vlaams Belang party born in Lubumbashi, DRC) and of course Hadja Lahbib (ex Belgium’s Foreign Minister) have shown partisan and biased position when it comes to Rwanda.
Their positions often reflect a combination of personal backgrounds, political ideologies (socio and chretien democrats), and are unable to raise themselves above the problem they try to fix. They become actors in the conflict.
Other EU countries need to understand the true motivations of the corrupted Belgian politicians and disassociate with them if they really want to support the Nairobi and Luanda peace processes.